Home > News > Dear World Leaders. We are still waiting. Waiting what? To do something?

Dear World Leaders. We are still waiting. Waiting what? To do something?

Credits: Stefán Einarsson, from Reykjavík, Iceland.

The UN picked up the winner for their “We Can End Poverty” contest. While hundreds of creative were sent the winner appears to be this one in the above photo. My concern here is not the kind of ad that has been chosen. We’re not deciding about a logo or a Cornflakes ad. The message the UN has decided to promote and use is quite a joke.

If the leaders are the true responsible for the hunger worldwide, shouldn’t we act more dramatically. Should we keep calling them leaders? Should they keep hiding behind a too-complex-to-handle arguments? The things is – and most of the 30 finalists ads were an example of this- that rarely the deep causes of the poverty have been clearly explained. Poverty is treated like an evil enemy that ripe lives and that we could stop if we just wanted to.

We can end poverty. We can end wars. We can end useless food wasting. We can end clear water being flushed into toilets.

We are the first cause of the poverty around the world countries. We create it daily into our own countries. More than that we feed their governments with billions of Euros that go into temporary structures, food supplies that never ever will teach to people to feed themselves and of course into our war industry. So for some the poverty is the biggest business. It helps create instability and sustains wars.

But this. All this. I’ve heard about when I was attending primary school. Some 20 years back. Can still our governments have this into their agenda?

We should maybe stop wasting money and time into grotesque claims about saving the world.

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