
Posts Tagged ‘BIO’

Eating Animals: If Nothing Matters, There’s Nothing To Save.

September 20, 2010 Leave a comment

When a Novelist starts to write essays on what we should and what should not eat this is a warning sign. And the book, even if it doesn’t say anything new about this subject -though it says it in a brilliant way- well it’s worth to read it. But those who will read this book are in part already vegetarians if not vegans and/or eat reasonable quantity of meat.

Meat industry, even if maybe more regulated here in EU, is just another industry acting with absolute no care about the future. Even its own future: in which business school do they teach to sell products that kill your customers? Is this what we call a good business plan?

Jonathan Safran Foer could have been written a book simply called “EATING”. Of course meat industry acts badly AND it causes huge pain to animals. But should we forget about how and where our vegetables and fruits are cultivated? Isn’t agriculture a huge cause of pollution too with its billions of tons of chemicals that seep from ground into fresh water, rivers and seas?

Shouldn’t we stop eating? Of course we can’t. And what about the “BIO” labels?  Of course those fruits and products are better, but is this a viable solution for everyone? Or are we just creating a niche product for rich and Bobo addicted to this last trend?

We’re growing too fast and developing too bad, without any care and any plan. AT ALL.

We’re facing extinction with the smile on our faces and the unconsciousness of idiots. We could keep reading books like this and for those who are vegetarians, we could still talk to our friends and families and people around us. This would not change things but it will be important for and to all of them who at least tried to do something.