
Posts Tagged ‘Chemicals’

Do not start the World Cup until the oil spill has been stopped.

Let’s say it: we cannot sit and start watching the World Championship with our cooled beer and nice t-shirts while in the middle of the ocean wild life and animals are simply being blown away by our indifference.

Let’s face it: the only think we -readers- could do is sitting and watching the unprecedented lack of organization, knowledge and responsibility this situation showed up. How could we drill so deep without thinking on how to stop a leak in case of? The answer is simple: if you don’t care about this dim but real possibility, you simply do not think about consequences and you simply do not prevent and act to prevent any possible risk. So, why should we stop the World Football Championship if the oil spill will not be safely and surely blocked and shores efficiently started to be cleaned up?

Because it’s too easy to point the finger against BP and say that they’re the responsible. Too easy to accuse while we’re not paying any price. Well, some US folks are actually paying the hard bill: their jobs simply scratched away for who knows how many years and a huge and unique region is wasted for decades but the rest of us is briefly witnessing something that is happening far away without doing anything. Does BP’s Deep Horizons is the only offshore rig in the area? Does BP rig started to operate this very year? Does dozens of offshore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico never ever polluted the area even if not so massively and deeply in the past?

We just didn’t care until something really big wakes us up. And then what? People are crying after the White House because nobody’s in charge, because jobs will be lost and because a private company seems to be able to act and decide what’s good and what’s not for the environment. Suddenly we do realize that oil companies have more power than private companies in such delicate field should ever have. Now we seem to (re)discover that this has already happened (13 June 1979), and that  -OMG!- we do not have enough technology to handle this.


This means that we do not care. We do not have time to care about this. Rain forest being cut in this very moment? Sharks slaughtered for hundreds? Red Tuna fish, Whales, Tar Sands, Clear Water, Chemicals, Nanotechnologies, Food, Transgenic seeds. And counting. Our agendas are too full for consider all this and we just wait the next event to focus our attention on.

We can’t keep going this way. Should we wait for the last shark to be killed to accuse Chinese’s companies and ask for what? Create millions of artificial sharks? Maybe one day we will be able to do this but now we’re still Homo Sapiens playing clumsily with fire and oil.

So how asking here to stop the beginning of the World Championship June the 11th until will contribute to the block of oil leak in the Gulf could help? Well, there is no help we could provide to the more skilled engineers around.

It’s a question of decency.

And it has nothing against South Africa even if they’ll maybe pay the hard price for this. That’s a global crisis. It does concern everyone alive, everyone who consumes, everyone who eats fish, everyone who respects life and respects this place we’re living in today. This is a request for massive attention and a request for massive participation in a form that does not imply consumption but abstention.

More than any action that will require energies to be wasted and time to be spent let’s stop to do something (sittin’ on a couch) and renounce to something for once. Even if we like it so much, even if it has a great and powerful message to deliver we cannot let people play football while we’re wasting an entire ocean. We will wait and not drive our attention out this mess until we’ll find a solution.
