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The Dearman Engine.

Image credit: Dearmanengine.com

I’ve stumbled upon this site Dearman Engine and it seems that this clever adaptation of a combustion engine may be economically viable. Mr. Dearman the inventor, has proofed his machine in London and Leed Universities and they confirmed that the engine can be used in a lot of different application and become more interesting than batteries and compressed air engines. Cryogenic liquid such nitrogen (basically air) when injected into a piston is reheated at ambient temperature and the instant gassification produce the work that powers the engine. The benefits are clear: no batteries, no rare earth needed, no costly high pressure tanks and no risk of combustion (as for the Hydrogen). I’ve check out the site and the video doesn’t look like the incredible machines that constantly claim to be close to 100% of efficiency. This professor looks genuine and its invention is approaching the market entrance.

Will it succeed? When I hear about this kind of technologies and especially the fact that they always come from small and independent inventors I feel confused: is it possible that the multibillion dollars automotive industry is that blind. Just because of the oil? We’ve witnessed their shy approach to the electric vehicles market and if we do analyse what we have as results (except maybe for the exceptional Tesla that is launching its nice Model S) we feel that the e-cars mood was just a trend inflated by the oil price rise and some environmental concerns that quickly fade out when the Crisis spread all over. Wouldn’t be an efficient and clean car boosted by cryogenic air a best seller model? Wouldn’t the facts that it would dramatically reduce the need for oil, the pollution of the air and the waste of other resources a more-than-enough argument to push big corporation lab to step in and mass produce this kind of engine? Or is the oil conspiracy and the 7 sister power so strong that we will never see this kind of technologies really take over? I HOPE NOT.


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